This Thread Brought To You By The Letter T: (Thank you, cartoonist Rex May)
In Case You Missed It Dept.:
California teachers continued waging war on war on American literature Monday. Burbank's School District ordered all copies of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird removed from all classrooms. Copies of Fahrenheit 451 will be transferred over to their Current Events curriculum.
President Trump on Thursday began to pressure Republican lawmakers and GOP governors to back up his election fraud claims before the disputed states can certify their results. It's a long shot. If Biden ends up losing this election to Trump, his voters are going to turn over in their graves.
Governor Gavin Newsom joined many other state governors and issued new rules and curfew Thursday. There's the problem. To me, Covid's .05% death rate isn't nearly as scary as the virus's ability to circulate in a Republic and create fifty Mussolinis who run around saying Trump is Hitler.
Joe Biden hosted a press conference in Wilmington Thursday and answered questions, issued policy statements, revealed transition plans and urged White House cooperation with his Covid advisors. The briefing was halted three times because he had to go pee. Joe live-streams his briefings.
President Trump appeared set in his new policy of ignoring the media Wednesday as reporters noted the president has not answered a single question since Election Day. Not one question. Trump figures if that's how Biden won the first round of voting, maybe it'll help him win the recount.
Dr. Fauci called for a nationally unified approach to vaccine distribution from its storage to its delivery Wednesday. Pfizer scientists say their Covid vaccine must be stored at a temperature of one hundred and twelve degrees below zero. It's going to be warehoused in Hillary Clinton's study.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo won an Emmy Award Monday for his leadership during the pandemic in the past year. It should have been an Emmy for children's programming. Cuomo taught kids subtraction, by placing Covid-infected patients in nursing homes with their grandparents.
John Kerry was named by Joe Biden to be the incoming administration's Climate Czar. Kerry once famously got stranded out in the ocean while wind surfing off Cape Cod when the wind suddenly calmed down. It just shows that alternative energy is great unless you need to go somewhere.
Joe Biden's basement strategy to win the presidency recalled a previous winning campaign. In 1920 Warren Harding was elected by campaigning from his front porch. Biden spent the summer standing by his basement stairs wondering if he's going up to get something or if he'd just come down.
Fox News reported Monday that President-elect Joe Biden will nominate the son of Auschwitz and Dachau camp survivors Antony Blinken as Secretary of State. It's good that Democrats still have a place for the Jews as well as the anti-Semites. It's what being a Big Tent party is all about.
President-elect Joe Biden gave a televised holiday address Wednesday as his cabinet nominees became revealed one by one. I can see already that the incoming administration has its priorities placed in the right order. Covid didn't disappear after the election, but Hunter Biden's laptop sure did.
President-elect Joe Biden celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday Friday at home in Wilmington, Delaware, with his wife Jill. He is nothing if not well-rested by now. After spending 36 years in the U.S. Senate and 8 years as vice president, Joe spent the last four years in the kitchen, unscrewing a lid.
I was busy yesterday and didn't get to share my appreciation for the stellar Walter Williams quotes:
"Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man"
Now that's a keeper right there!
That right there is a nutshell, of how I ran my piano business for 40 + years. As a hippie who took up the piano trade back in the 70's I had qualms about charging for what I was doing for others. It sounds silly, but capitalism was a challenge for me back then. I resolved this personal conflict by telling myself, "I'm providing a necessary service and they're merely showing me their appreciation by paying me. If people don't support me, I can't continue to provide them with my service. And they wouldn't want that."
So I bolstered my youthful reservations about charging by putting the transaction in this context, much like Walter Williams has done. I figured a fair compensation for my time and asked them to support me. Do for me, like what I just did for you. It worked! And I ended up doing quite well for myself and others, by helping them with their pianos. This made for a great business philosophy.
Well I also posted three of your other toons [yesterday] but this one by Walter Williams has had a most profound affirmation for me. It's a tool I will use for some future teachable moments about the benefits of capitalism vs traps of socialism. It's all about sharing the truth and letting it set you free!
Thank You Mr. Pookie! TM
"Of all horrible religions the most horrible is the worship of the god within." GK Chesterton
“These High-Tech oligarchs are dangerous for democracy.” Devin Nunes
"It’s a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will." Donald Trump's Victory Speech 11/9/16
Quote: ThirstyMan wrote in post #2I was busy yesterday and didn't get to share my appreciation for the stellar Walter Williams quotes:
"Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man"
Now that's a keeper right there!
That right there is a nutshell, of how I ran my piano business for 40 + years. As a hippie who took up the piano trade back in the 70's I had qualms about charging for what I was doing for others. It sounds silly, but capitalism was a challenge for me back then. I resolved this personal conflict by telling myself, "I'm providing a necessary service and they're merely showing me their appreciation by paying me. If people don't support me, I can't continue to provide them with my service. And they wouldn't want that."
So I bolstered my youthful reservations about charging by putting the transaction in this context, much like Walter Williams has done. I figured a fair compensation for my time and asked them to support me. Do for me, like what I just did for you. It worked! And I ended up doing quite well for myself and others, by helping them with their pianos. This made for a great business philosophy.
Well I also posted three of your other toons [yesterday] but this one by Walter Williams has had a most profound affirmation for me. It's a tool I will use for some future teachable moments about the benefits of capitalism vs traps of socialism. It's all about sharing the truth and letting it set you free!