It looks like this is drugs being dispensed in the water vapors? The possibilities are endless! TM *********** Mar 22, 2015
WASHINGTON, DC – In a closely contested vote, the FDA approved a new medical delivery device this week, the H-Vape 86. It is an Ativan air diffuser that looks like a Vicks Vaporub humidifier, yet it can do much more.
ICU RN Angela Liotta patented the model in 2001. “I’ve been dreaming of this for so many years. I just can’t believe it’s finally approved for use. Now I can quit my day job!” Liotta developed the idea after watching staff’s frustrations with patients in need of benzodiazepines and families barking orders at the nurses station.
The diffuser sits strategically in front of the charge RN of the floor, away from air return ducts. The potency of Ativan is regulated by a dial on the back of the diffuser. As tensions rise such as with yelling patients, high patient to nurse ratios, and patients who persistently press the call button every 5 minutes, the dial may be titrated to effect to produce a stronger vapor pressure.
The approved model is equipped for any combination of medication, says Liotta. “Haldol, Valium, you name it. It is customizable depending on the craziness of patients you have on your ward.” Liotta developed the model while watching the progress of e-cigarette technology. In the future she plans to develop plugins for home use and hookah style for more intimate settings such as the ED fishbowl or hospital staff meetings.
I don't know about the efficacy of this instrument, nor whether it will work as intended, but I do note that once again our fate is in the hands of a federal bureaucracy, the FDA. A private institution, something along the lines of the Underwriter's Laboratory, could do a better job and do it more quickly. But, no, our well being is in the hands of a bunch of political appointees who suffer no risk for whatever they decide.
"This is the most lavishly funded and entirely moronic foreign ministry on the planet."~~Mark Steyn's description of the US State Dept.