You might have thought that the last word in parasitical feminazi absurdity was Sandra Fluke demanding that others be forced to pay for her birth control in violation of their religious convictions, as if she could not afford to pay for it herself despite attending outlandishly expensive Georgetown University Law School. But liberals can always push the envelope just a little bit further:
Last week, Jessica Valenti (Feministing founder, NARAL director and Planned Parenthood heroine) asked via Twitter, “Anyone know a country where tampons are free or somehow subsidized?” The question sparked an obnoxious social media backlash, which, in turn, sparked an obnoxious retort by Valenti in her column for The Guardian: “The case for free tampons.” The liberal media, from Cosmo to TIME, followed suit with the “compelling argument” and “great idea.”
“The high cost of a product that half the population needs multiple times a day, every month for approximately 30 years,” Valenti began in her August 11 piece, “is simply, well, bullsh**.”
But cost was hardly the crux of Valenti’s argument. “This is less an issue of costliness than it is of principle,” she later admitted, because “menstrual care is health care.” She explained how, like birth control, “the idea of women even getting small tax breaks for menstrual products provokes incredulousness” not only because “people lack an incredible amount of empathy” but also “because it has something to do with vaginas.” (Ooh, the “V-word.” Bet Valenti felt a transgressive thrill just writing it!)
To back up her claims, Valenti cited how The United Nations and Human Rights Watch connected feminine hygiene with “human rights.”