ZitatAround the country, college and universities have set up “bias response teams,” and “hate response teams;” armies of cuddly counselors who are able to talk down delicate students who have been “triggered” by offensive words, images and ideas.
Luckily, because many of these are state-run institutions, we have reports on exactly what these students are “triggered” by.
For example, at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, some of the incidents the “bias response team” responded to include an internet blog on what life is like as a white student and an image of a Christian cross.
The cross – part of a Campus Crusade for Christ poster, was reported by an anonymous student as “oppression and hate of the LGBT+ community.”
Two other students reported the blog post. One of them said that “students of color” felt unsafe living near the person who wrote it, the La Crosse Tribune is reporting. The blog post was spread across social media and was very popular
ZitatTwo other students reported the blog post. One of them said that “students of color” felt unsafe living near the person who wrote it, the La Crosse Tribune is reporting.
My French is not very good, but doesn't LaCrosse translate to The Cross?