This Thread Brought To You By The Letter T: (Thank you, cartoonist Rex May)
In Case You Missed It Dept.:
The White House said it'll leave vaccine passports for travel or attendance to events to private companies. And to the Twitter mob that'll bully them into requiring passports. The people who are okay with calling everybody else Nazis are suddenly okay with having to present paperwork for travel.
Augusta National will host the Masters golf tournament starting Thursday. Woke liberals had no chance to move it. Before the Masters is taken from Georgia, President Biden will say the border's out of control, you need a photo ID to vote, face masks are stupid, and we had to cheat to beat Trump.
President Biden applauded decisions by corporate giants Delta Airlines, Citibank, JP Morgan, and Coca-Cola to back MLB's moving the All-Star game in protest of the voter law. There IS such a thing as piling on. The Devil has just announced his fiddle contest will no longer be held in Georgia.
Border Patrol agents said many kids pouring across the border are used as drug mules as well as decoys for gangsters making the crossing. There is a crisis at the Southern border and critics are asking why Biden isn't taking the steps to protect us. Obviously, they haven't seen him take steps.
Major League Baseball moved the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver to protest Georgia's new voting law. It prevents ballot-stuffing vote fraud using unverifiable mail-in ballots. Now that MLB supports cheating in elections, can we let Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame and forgive the Astros?
The White House backtracked Wednesday and revealed border wall construction may resume on the advice from the Homeland Security Secretary. The administration says it's not building a border wall, just filling in some small gaps. Yes, like that small gap that goes from Texas to California.
MLB ignited a big debate Tuesday over its decision to move the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. They claimed it's all for the advancement of black voting rights. Only in America could moving a game from a city that's 51% black to a city that's 7% black be seen as a civil rights victory.
President Biden attended Mass Sunday at St. Matthew's Church in Washington, D.C. Listeners in the next pew enjoyed a unique moment of reverence when they overheard the President of the United States crossing himself in the name of the Father and the Son and you know, the Ghost Thing.
Southern California became the last in the nation to re-open classrooms to in-person learning this week. However an eight-year-old boy in Los Angeles was accompanied by his parents to the principal's office to complain he was being bullied in class because he's different. He's an American.
Minneapolis erupted in rioting, looting and burning again night after a policewoman accidentally shot and killed a black man resisting arrest. A bewildered America forgot to check the calendar. I can't believe it's riot season already and I still have my Covid vaccine decorations up.
Minneapolis mobs shifted their fury from George Floyd trial to another police shooting just as the defense presented its case. The drug use makes it a tough call. Last week the toxicologist said that George Floyd had enough Fentanyl in his system to kill three grown men, or two Stacey Abrams.
The Minneapolis police woman's body cam showed she accidentally discharged her police gun when she shot a resisting suspect. She thought she was firing her taser gun. Accidental discharge isn't an excuse for a cop killing a man, but it might work for an excuse for how we got Hunter Biden.
Politico reports that House Democrats are crafting legislation to expand the Supreme Court so they can codify a leftist agenda. The want DC statehood, income redistribution and reparations for slave descendants. It's like the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, only this time they get rid of the Drug Czar.
President Biden was ripped for his refusal to take tough questions at press briefings. He needs to stop reading off that laminated spreadsheet to call on reporters. Last week, Joe accidentally brought his Denny's takeout menu to the lectern and he asked who's here from the Denver Omelette?
Dr. Fauci was raked over the coals in Congress last week after he refused to tell Republicans when life can return to normal. His critics forget that Fauci has a very specific role that he must play. Every Zombie movie begins with a guy in a lab coat telling us that everything is under control.