Elizabeth Warren ripped into Mike Bloomberg Thursday over a twelve-year-old tape of Mike blaming minority home loans for the 2008 financial crisis. Her campaign needs help. I won't say Elizabeth Warren is hurting for money but her new campaign slogan is I Put the Po in Pocahontas.
President Trump met with New York Governor Cuomo over withdrawing Trusted Travelers Program from New York for fear of another 9-11 after New York began giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. For his part, New York City's police chief said he'll never forget 9-11. I should hope not, that's his phone number.
Elizabeth Warren's campaign sank after finishing fourth in New Hampshire. She came under fire for accepting a three-dollar donation from a college student who told her all she had left in life was six dollars. What makes it even worse is that Bernie demanded one dollar and fifty cents of it.
Bernie Sanders became the Democratic front-runner after winning New Hampshire and tying for the top spot in Iowa. Establishment Democrats like Hillary, Chris Matthews and James Carville sounded the alarm. Democrats are starting to think the only way to stop Bernie may be impeachment.
President Trump before reporters Wednesday angrily defended his tweet calling for no prison time for GOP political operative Roger Stone. The president is unfailingly loyal to his friends. Trump plans to eventually name a National Park after Mitt Romney and call it Head on a Pike's Peak.
Joe Biden left New Hampshire Tuesday before his fifth place finish in the Democratic primary could be certified as final. He spent the week snapping at voters who aggravated him. Joe Biden is running a variation of the Grassroots Campaign in which he shouts at everybody to get off his lawn.
Mike Bloomberg continued pouring millions into network TV ads and social media advertising aimed at Trump. Mike just adopted what he feels is the right campaign slogan for the presidential race. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a billion dollars is a good guy with a billion dollars.
President Trump will appear in Beverly Hills, Rancho Mirage and Bakersfield this week. He'd best avoid the Hollywood crowd. Last week, the Obamas won the Oscar for Best Documentary, while Mike Bloomberg took home the honors for Best Animated Short, and Bernie Sanders for 1917.
The Democratic candidates will fight it out this week in South Carolina as well as in Nevada with second-tier hopefuls starting to feel the money pinch. It was reported Saturday that Elizabeth Warren has had a steep drop-off in donations. That explains Liz's new Indian name, Running Short.
Democratic candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar finished a strong third in New Hampshire last week and now she contends for the party's middle lane. Joe Biden finished in fifth place in New Hampshire, but he's not discouraged. Joe promised followers he'll do much better next week in Iowa.
Fox News says Establishment Democratic power brokers are searching for a candidate to beat Bernie in a split convention who'd be acceptable to all Democrats. It's a doable task. The list of acceptable Democratic candidates includes Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Al Gore and Mitt Romney.
Mike Bloomberg took heavy incoming campaign fire as his past policies and personal habits came to light. Mike backs gun control, which angers conservatives, he backed stop-and-frisk which angers liberals, and he puts ice in his beer, which everybody agrees is the sign of a psychopath.
-- Argus Hamilton
I think it's fair that they name the current viral outbreak the "Trumpvirus". Wasn't the Swine Flu named for the Democrats?