Hillary Clinton announced that she read the Mueller Report and that crimes were committed in 2016. It seems a little early for her to turn state's evidence. No one will say Hillary declaring Trump belongs in prison is like the pot calling the kettle black, for fear of being linked to Kate Smith.
London Daily Mail reports London is awash in knife violence on the streets. There are dozens of stabbings every day. It's proof that in a nation that allows no derringers, no automatic pistols, no handguns and no machine guns, that people of good will can find a way to control their street corners.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel issued a defiant statement against President Trump's threat to transfer the detained illegal immigrants to the self-anointed sanctuary cities. The mayor said that the illegal immigrants were welcome to come to Chicago. They're running out of locals to shoot.
Joe Biden raised eyebrows by saying he wants Americans to say no to marijuana. At the same time, the stock market's soaring, Ollie North's in trouble and Democrats say the president has lost his mind. President Trump's certainly delivered on his promise to restore Ronald Reagan's America.
Democratic front-runner Joe Biden puzzled Iowans Thursday when he dismissed China as a threat. His aides try to keep him up onstage as much as possible. They installed an app on Joe's iPhone that plays the theme music to Jaws whenever he gets within two feet of a woman's shoulders.
Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC and called for William Barr's resignation and accused Trump of obstruction of justice. She maintained that the Russians cost her the election. Would somebody out there PLEASE give Hillary a Participation Trophy so she'll think she won something?
William Barr again cleared Trump of collusion in Senate testimony. He said he's investigating if the FBI used unsubstantiated campaign dirt on Trump to get a FISA warrant on him. Democrats are so angry at Barr they just arranged for a rabbi, a minister and a priest to walk into him.