The White House invited lawmakers from both parties to negotiate Friday as the government shutdown reached thirty days. It may take just a little thinking to break this impasse. If President Trump would just come out against the border wall, the Democrats would have it built in six months.
President Trump signed an order stopping a military jet flight that was going to take Nancy Pelosi to Egypt and Afghanistan. She's enjoyed military flight privileges a long time. The last time Nancy flew commercial, you could sit in the middle seat without cursing the obesity epidemic.
The Census Bureau was banned by a U.S. judge from asking people in the 2020 census whether or not they are U.S. citizens. There are ways around that. The Census takers may not be allowed to ask people if they are citizens, but they can ask every third American how they made it over the wall.
The Producers' legendary creator Mel Brooks gave an interview to Bloomberg News Saturday in which he denounced the suffocating effect that political correctness is having on comedy. You can no longer call a moron a moron. You have to call her Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Robert Mueller denied a Buzzfeed report that said he has proof that Trump urged Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. It had set off a jubilant press lynch mob. Today Buzzfeed reported the sun rose in the West instead of the East this morning, and CNN assured viewers that if true, this is the end of Trump.
Aero Mexico is offering discounts to passengers based on their percentage of Mexican DNA. Following suit, restaurants in Indian casinos say they may offer discounts to customers based on their percent of Native American blood. Elizabeth Warren would qualify for a packet of ketchup.