Arabic TV Makes Claim TWICE That Explains Obama’s Fascination With Iran
Posted on April 20, 2015 by Brandon Walker
Arabic TV commentators made a claim as to why President Obama has a fascination with Iran. Their reasoning also explained why he was willing to go against the law to provide support for the Free Syrian Army, despite their ties with al-Qaeda. It also explains his fascination with the Arab Spring, why he has done nothing in Yemen, and why he has disregarded Shiite expansion in Iraq.
It all boils down to how he feels in his book, Dreams From My Father.
Captured in video and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) are two direct claims from Arabic TV that President Obama is doing all of these actions because his father was a Shiite Muslim. The first clip was recorded March 25 from the U.K. channel Al-Hiwar TV. The second was filmed April 10 from the Saudi Arabia television station 4Shbab TV. Both claimed it was not a conspiracy theory, and both claimed it is why President Obama wants the Shia-run government of Iran to be victorious in the region.
Both Shiite and Sunni Muslims believe that you belong to the religion of your father. President Obama’s own father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was born in the Southwest region of Kenya and was a Muslim. This is why the Middle East believes he is a Shiite Muslim.
“He spent much of his childhood in Mombasa, south Kenya,” said Lazikani. “I visited this very area, and I can tell you that it is mostly Shiite. All the childhood memories of the man who rules the White House are Shiite memories.” (CNS News)
At the prayer breakfast in 2009, President Obama stated of this, “I had a father who was born a Muslim but became an atheist.” He was stating he became an atheist. His father never gave up his Shiite Muslim beliefs.