"Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler acknowledged in congressional testimony today that an Internet tax--which he had previously said would not be imposed--could be imposed in the future."
Btw, does the FCC have the authority to impose any kind of tax on anything?
Allahu Akbar" is Arabic for "Nothing to see here"~~Mark Steyn explaining the reaction of Obama, Hollande, et. al., to Muslim terror attacks.
Lying to get things passed is the new "norm" for the Dems
and this one is WAY outdated!
******* Daniel Greenfield, January 29, 2015, The Imaginary Islamic Radical
"Our problem is not the Islamic radical, but the inherent radicalism of Islam. Islam is a radical religion. It radicalizes those who follow it. Every atrocity we associate with Islamic radicals is already in Islam. The Koran is not the solution to Islamic radicalism, it is the cause."