I know this is not directly connected with GW/CC but RFK, Jr., is well known as a fanatical proponent of both (except, of course, when it comes to his own personal life and travel, but that's another story). So I am placing this story here as ever more proof of what a wacko-dacko the lad is.
"As lawmakers at the State Capitol consider a bill that would no longer allow parents to opt out of vaccinating their children over personal beliefs, vaccination critic Robert Kennedy Jr. waded into the debate at a Sacramento appearance.
Kennedy spoke to a crowd Tuesday screening a film that claims a link between autism in children and thimerosal, an ingredient in vaccines, according to the Sacramento Bee.
“They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone,” Kennedy reportedly told the crowd. “This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.”
Multiple studies have rejected any link between thimerosal and autism. Even without any link discovered, the ingredient has been removed from nearly all childhood vaccines."
Holocaust, is it? Even airhead Jenny McCarthy never went that far. I wonder if the always Democrat supporting Jews will call out Junior for his trivializing of their most important event of the 20th century. They have done so in the past with other similar analogies, but he's a Kennedy and a Democrat so don't bet on it.
"This is the most lavishly funded and entirely moronic foreign ministry on the planet."~~Mark Steyn's description of the US State Dept.