In case ethnic cleansing through massive immigration is not sufficient to fundamentally transform America, the ruling class is also applying cultural and historical cleansing. For an example, look to California, which Third World immigration has placed under the total control of liberals. There it will soon be illegal to sell a Confederate flag:
ZitatThe California State Assembly passed a bill Monday nearly unanimously that would prevent state agencies from selling the Confederate flag “or any similar image.” The bill, AB 2444, was sponsored by Assemblyman Isadore Hall (D-Compton), who was offended to learn from his mother that a gift shop at the state Capitol was selling replica Confederate money as a novelty item, according to the Los Angeles-area CBS affiliate.
The Stars and Bars represents the South. The sort of liberal fascists who run California associate the South with resistance to the progressive agenda. Consequently, anything that serves to remind people of Southern identity must be eradicated.
It remains legal for now to watch Dukes of Hazzard reruns even in California, but probably not for long unless they edit out the politically incorrect car named General Lee:
Oh, gosh, you know how I hate to rain on anyone's totalitarian parade, but [i]Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech /i]
I think that prohibition applies in CA, too, doesn't it?
We were asked for ID to get into a national park but it is racist to ask for voter ID?~~Comment on FB