An 1887 Science Fiction Novel Predicted DeBlasio and Bloomberg’s New York February 15, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield
“The Republic of the Future: or Socialism a Reality” was an anti-utopian novella that was part of a field of satirical responses to Utopian Socialist novels like Looking Backward. (I discuss one of the more curious forms of that genre in Socialists from Mars)
Written by Anna Bowman Dodd, a New York journalist, The Republic of the Future spoofs the futuristic Socialist travelogues of the utopian writers by visiting a Socialist New York City in the year 2050. ABD’s views on some subjects don’t hold up that well and her version of New York where all the houses and people are the same doesn’t actually exist, but under one mayor obsessed with food and another obsessed with equality, it appears rather timely in places.
Diet in the Socialist New York is regulated to a degree that Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio could only fantasize about with no more kitchens, only a centrally planned single food production center in Chicago and dietary inspections for all.
Zitat When travelers had found themselves forced to abide by the rules and regulations governing the socialists’ diet. But what was this diet?
The State scientists now regulate all such matters. Once a month our Officer of Hygiene comes and examines each member of the household. He then prescribes the kind of food he thinks you require for the next few weeks, whether it shall be more or less phosphates, or cereals, or carnivorous preparations.
Quote: Cincinnatus wrote in post #2ABD’s views on some subjects don’t hold up that well and her version of New York where all the houses and people are the same doesn’t actually exist