HILLARY’S ‘TRACK RECORD’ IS MIDDLE EAST COLLAPSE AND THE FAILED RUSSIAN RESET snip After host Andrea Mitchell stated, “You could also argue that a lot of Republicans in the White House and in Congress supported those policies –” Fiorina responded, “absolutely, that’s right. And by the way, every single Republican candidate has been asked about their vote for the war in Iraq. The one person who’s not been asked that question, because she won’t answer the question is Hillary Clinton. One person who was on the job in 2011, when Iraq started to fall apart, was not the Republican nominees or — candidates for president, it’s Hillary Clinton. she hasn’t been asked yet. What would she do now in Iraq?”
Fiorina then outlined her ISIS strategy, saying, “I would do very specific things. First, instead of having a Camp David conference to talk our Arab allies into a bad deal with Iran, I would have had a Camp David conference to talk with our Arab allies about how we can support them to fight ISIS. Let me give you very specific examples. The Kurds have been asking us to arm them for three years, we still have not. The Jordanians have been asking us to provide them with bombs and materiel. We know King Abdullah of Jordan, I’ve known him for many years. He took the appropriate leadership steps when a Jordanian pilot was burned alive. He was here in this country asking us for bombs and materiel, we haven’t provided him with any of them. He’s now looking to China for that. The Egyptian president, a very brave and pious Muslim, who has said there is a cancer in the heart of Islam, has asked us to share intelligence. We are not. The Turks have asked us to help them topple Bashar al-Assad, we are not. There are a whole set of things that we’ve been asked to do by our allies who know this is their fight, and we’re not doing any of them.”
The interview concluded with her being asked about equal pay for equal work, Fiorina said, “Of course I support equal pay for equal work. And that’s why, in 1963 when a law was passed guaranteeing that if a woman is being discriminated against in the workforce purely because of her gender she should take every advantage of the law. But I also know this — a seniority system, which exists in the federal government, that allows a man to watch pornography all day long in the federal government, and earn the same pay, pension, and benefits as a woman sitting next to him trying to do a good job, that is not equal pay for equal work. And the seniority system, and the federal government that promotes that seniority system, and the unions, as well, they’re not willing to talk about that. So, before the federal government or Hillary Clinton, who, by her own measures, is not paying women equally in her own office, nor is President Obama, before they lecture others, maybe they ought to look into their own offices, or look into the seniority system in the federal government.”
Quote: ThirstyMan wrote in post #2She's the "self-appointed designated hitter"according to Kimberly Guilfoyle on FOX this morning.
Darn right.
Why is it the heavy hitters within the GOP seem to be female???? (Thinking back to Sarah Palin here). Where are the men within the GOP? With only a few exceptions, why do the men always seem to cave before the onslaught on the left?
You know I would love to see some men start doing some heavy hitting here.