The Mercantile Exchange reported Thursday that the price of oil skyrocketed to eighty-seven dollars a barrel over border tension between Russia and Ukraine. That raises the price of everything even further. It had a feeling inflation was getting out of hand yesterday while I was at the 99 Dollar Store.
President Biden alarmed Europe by downplaying U.S. reaction to any minor Russian incursion into Ukraine before reporters. He startled Democrats by openly questioning the legitimacy of U.S. elections. Apparently Joe's having such a bad time as president even HE's claiming that Trump won.
House Democrats ripped Senate Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for blocking Biden's voting rights bill. It allows mail-in voting. If the 1960 presidential election had allowed mailed-in ballots, Chicago's Mayor Daley would have defeated both Nixon and Kennedy in a landslide.
House Democrats pushed Biden's voting bill as a civil rights issue to try to kill voter ID laws Friday. I compare the voting rights bill to Jussie Smollett hiring two Nigerians to dress up like Trump supporters and beat him up. It's what happens when the demand for racism is greater than the supply.
Dr. Fauci's job approval Friday was high among liberal Democrats and low with conservative Republicans. He's said he represents science. Scientifically, the most impressive thing about Covid is how it took a white patriarchy and turned it into a trustworthy government that cannot be questioned.
Deadline Hollywood says two Hollywood producers are shooting a movie about the U.S. Capitol riot in Washington. The producers say the movie will portray the riot as an assault on America's citadel of democracy. An animal rights officer will be on hand to monitor the beating of a dead horse.
House Democrats are set to orchestrate an investigation into the U.S. Capitol riots in hearings before a committee that was staffed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She has hated Trump ever since he donated his presidential salary to alcoholism research. I believe she took that as a personal attack.
The New York Post reported that the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended a record high number of illegal immigrants last month. Many more made it though into the country. On Monday President Biden finally had enough and declared that we need to protect our borders, starting with the Ukraine.
The CDC played up Omicron even though the statistics prove it's mild and may end up giving everyone herd immunity. They might try snob appeal to lure interest. The CDC should say it's not Omicron unless it comes from the Omicronne region of France, otherwise it's only Sparkling Covid.
President Biden's search for an African American female candidate to name to the Supreme Court began Friday. It's a lifetime appointment that wields immense power. Hillary Clinton had to be physically restrained from going on TV in blackface Friday and throwing her hat into the ring.
President Biden announced Thursday he will nominate someone to the Supreme Court with integrity, intelligence and experience and it will be a black woman. The media is touting three top black female federal judge candidates. My guess is, it'll go to the one with the best smelling hair.
The White House refused comment Wednesday over whether President Biden might nominate Kamala Harris to fill the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy. She's already a trailblazer. Kamala Harris is the first woman in history who was Jamaican and Indian and became an African American.