Way back when, in the late 60’s and early 70’s, he predicted that given the direction society was headed, this country would be morally and fiscally bankrupt within 50 years. I believe his exact words were (as I rolled my eyes): “we’re going to hell in a hand basket”.
I just thought he hated hippies and Jane Fonda.
Now that he’s in his late 80’s and his previously semi-hippie daughter has outgrown her early preoccupation with Greenpeace, Eric Clapton, Patchouli and arguing with him, I asked my dad how he feels when he reads about the atrocities committed by mere children.
My dad:
Zitat “No damn parenting! Their parents are too damn lazy and stupid to BE parents! This all started with the hippies and “free love”….all these animals have grown up not knowing the first damn thing about discipline, work, respect, or caring about their fellow man! There’s no shame anymore…these damn kids get away with it because this country is too damn afraid of them! Hell… those kids are not the rare exception….they are everywhere, and they are allowed and encouraged by liberal thinking!”
I agree.
Turns out that there are many nasty by-products when little Zane and little Chloe are allowed to run wild and do as they please. No, they don’t grow up more creative or productive. They don’t become artists or even happy. The closest brush with their idea of success is filling out applications to be on a celebrity reality show. They “hook-up” and they steal. They are ignorant and yet imagine they are incredibly clever. They grow up to be pretty much….dumb animals. Operating only on sensory impulse and a wild and thoughtless desire to fill an aching emptiness with idolatry, sex, drugs, mayhem, violence, and murder.
It also turns out this country is brimming with special snowflakes, aided and abetted by parents who have been too afraid, too lazy, too full of cultural rot and idolatry to raise good men and women. These “parents” themselves are children of other “parents” who adopted and followed a blossoming doctrine of doing what “feels” good; a faithless, confusing doctrine that has jumbled permissiveness, psycho-babble, selfishness, greed, and sloth. With the nodding acceptance and encouragement of progressives and leftist liberals. They are the spawn and grand-spawn of the “free love” crowd from the 1960’s.