No real surprise here. Thems what commit most infractions get greater police attention. Unable to fulfill his desire to hang a civil rights violation on Wilson Holder instead indicts the entire Ferguson PD for racism.
"Racial Politics: Unable to pin racism charges on Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, Attorney General Eric Holder is using half-baked data to manufacture a case of racism against his entire police force.
Holder's race-baiting civil rights crew combed through several years of Ferguson Police Department data on traffic stops, searches and arrests and "found a pattern of racial disparities in Ferguson's police activities."
"African Americans are overrepresented in FPD's vehicular stops" and victims of "racial bias," Holder concludes in his report.
He notes that blacks accounted for 85% of vehicle stops, "despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson's population," while whites made up 15% of stops, despite representing 29% of the population.
So there you have it, a slam-dunk case of racism, right? Hardly.
Outrageously, the nation's top prosecutor failed to control for factors that explain the racial "disparity" in traffic stops, such as speeding, DUI, expired license plates, headlight, seat-belt and child-restraint violations and other reasons for being pulled over.
Holder's own department statistics show that African Americans, on average, violate speeding and other traffic laws at much greater rates than whites.
The Justice Department's research arm, the National Institute of Justice, explains that differences in traffic stops can simply be attributed to "differences in offending."
Duh. For another example, "Seat-belt usage is chronically lower among blacks," the NIJ says in a 2013 study. "If a law enforcement agency aggressively enforces violations, police will stop more black drivers."
It adds that three out of every four black drivers say "police had a legitimate reason for stopping them."
The institute cites two major studies on police profiling, one conducted in Savannah, Ga., and another in Cincinnati. Neither "support the perception that a high level of discrimination occurs prior to a traffic stop."
Perhaps the attorney general should read his own research before making wild accusations of racism based on specious data.
Holder also complains black motorists were more likely than whites to receive multiple citations from Ferguson police, proof in his mind that cops "enforce the law more harshly against black people than others."
"African Americans experience disparate impact in nearly every aspect of Ferguson's law enforcement system," his report finds.
But federal data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that blacks violate traffic laws at higher rates than whites in every offense, including driving with an invalid license."
At least rhetoric is all that it seems the "Justice" Dept is going to unleash on Ferguson.
The rhetoric lambastes the entire police department recommending it be "dismantled" while separately concluding that "Darren Wilson, who is white, [btw, just in case you did not know] violated no federal laws in that shooting,"
******* Daniel Greenfield, January 29, 2015, The Imaginary Islamic Radical
"Our problem is not the Islamic radical, but the inherent radicalism of Islam. Islam is a radical religion. It radicalizes those who follow it. Every atrocity we associate with Islamic radicals is already in Islam. The Koran is not the solution to Islamic radicalism, it is the cause."
Whatever happen to all the looters and violent protestors who were bussed into Ferguson by the Administration ?? Were they ever charged/jailed ....or are the streets in Ferguson only paved one way ??
Anyway, here is the TRUE PURPOSE of Ferguson to Obama & Holder ...........
The Obama administration and its “Task Force on 21st Century Policing” are under fire after unveiling an unconstitutional plot to impose federal “standards” on state and local police forces, which critics say is in effect an underhanded plan to further nationalize and federalize law enforcement. Widely lambasted as “Common Core” for police, the Obama plan outlines dozens of controversial “recommendations” to be foisted on state and local law-enforcement agencies using federal tax dollars as bribes — the same unconstitutional process used to impose the hugely unpopular national “Common Core” standards on states and schools nationwide. Opponents say it is part of a dangerous long-term plan that must be opposed.
The controversial Obama administration demands for national standards for police come a few months after United Nations boss Ban Ki Moon called for American police to obey “international standards.” The efforts to further nationalize and federalize law enforcement — a state and local responsibility under America’s constitutional system — are also in line with Obama’s campaign rhetoric about building a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military. Of course, as Congress revealed in an official report, the Communist effort to nationalize American police forces goes back decades.
The Justice Department agency that would be responsible for bribing and bludgeoning police agencies into submission to Obama’s “national standards” is also among the outfits that have been abused to militarize law enforcement all across America. As The New American reported last year amid the George Soros-funded chaos in Ferguson, Obama attacked the militarization of law enforcement — even though his administration has played a crucial role in militarizing police departments nationwide. The federal government, of course, has no constitutional authority to meddle in state and local law enforcement to begin with.