President Obama uttered a surprisingly revealing 23-word sentence Thursday that reveals so much about his thinking and why his second-term is shaping up as worse than Jimmy Carter's last.
But, first, let's get this straight right off the bat: President Obama is not a dummy.
He acts like a dummy, an arrogant one at that. The chief executive of the United States tries to convince the world he's a dummy, bizarrely claiming he didn't know so many stupid, illegal, corrupt, partisan, lying things were going on in his administration lo these past 1,760 divisive days.
He naively expected Iran to cave to the kind of political muscle that works back home in the Windy City. Obama painted himself into a red-lined corner on Syria, only to have his south side saved humiliatingly by Russia's shirtless President Putin.
And apparently the White House did not pay its cable bill this fall. Because according to Kathleen Sebelius, the president was unaware the ObamaCare rollout was an utter disaster for days after the Oct. 1 limp launch. Does anyone ever talk to anyone else on Obama's team?
He spent more than three years promising Americans they could keep their health plans and doctors if they wanted. A blatant lie he knew was false by mid-2010. Last week the president apologized. But being Barack Obama, not for lying. For the fact that attentive Americans did not understand what he really meant, which was the exact opposite of what the Great Talker was saying.