This video is posted by The Washington Free Beacon as an example of punditry discussing the White House ineptitude. However, this video is actually more reflective of something far more annoying.
Every one of these “pundits” have spent the last six years extoling the virtues of President Obama’s brilliant foreign policy. Every single one of these panelists have written columns, given opinion, and appeared on TV shows telling the consuming sheeple how brilliant President Obama was.
Now they sit around presenting themselves as some form of disconnected gallery observers talking about how the consequences of those same policies they exalted are abject failures.
Insufferable does not begin to explain the level of hypocrisy within the U.S. Obama Pretorian guard media. These are the same people who claimed the Libyan R2P program was magnanimous, yet the result is anarchy, civil war and chaos.
♦ These are the same people who claimed the Syrian “red line” was some kind of brilliant three dimensional chess move resulting in Russia leveraging Assad to remove WMD; yet the reality is anarchy, civil war, chaos and the rise of ISIS.
♦ These are the same people who claimed the Drone counter terror program was an effective counter terrorism strategy; when the reality is Yemen being more of a safe haven for al-Qaeda Arabian Peninsular than ever before.
♦ These are the same people who claimed Turkey was a key and strategic NATO ally for Obama; yet the reality is Turkey providing safe harbor for Muslim Brotherhood extremists, a President in Erdogan supporting ISIS, and a nation refusing to allow NATO allies to use strategic military bases to attack radical islamists.
♦ These are the same people who claimed Obama was successful in using Qatar as a strategic partner, when the reality is Qatar financing attacks against our own forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and against Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt.
♦ These are the same people who protected President Obama from the sunlight upon his short-sighted and failed policies for the past six years, and now they stand back as some kind of jaw-agape community shocked, shocked, at the crisis and chaos that has resulted as part of those very policies they exalted for the past six years.
When he's forced to watch all the networks saying bad things about him, not just one, then he'll know, the end is near.
sounds like a prophecy!
** Rich Lowry, Nov 30, 2014 on “Meet the Press” Sunday, National Review editor
Stop trying to make the Ferguson protests something they weren’t. And, just as importantly, stop trying to make Michael Brown, the man shot to death during a fight with police Office Darren Wilson in August, something he wasn’t.
“If you look at the most credible evidence, the lessons are really basic ... don’t rob a convenience store. Don’t fight with a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop, just stop.”