It is common for White House spokespeople to spin the facts–to find the interpretation that best flatters the president. It is rare, but not unheard of, for White House spokespeople to lie about facts that are not yet fully known to the public. It is extraordinary for White House spokespeople to lie about facts that everyone already knows. Yet that is exactly what Josh Earnest did on Tuesday, when trying to explain why the Obama administration strains to avoid mentioning radical Islam.
Earnest claimed that it would be inaccurate to blame the Charlie Hebdo attack and the attack on the kosher supermarket in Paris on radical Islam because there are Muslims who do not support the attacks, Muslim leaders who condemned the attacks, even Muslims who were victims of the attacks. To identify radical Islam as the culprit, he seemed to imply, would be to implicate Islam as a whole. That is a tired straw-man argument, but it at least is a matter of opinion, however ridiculous.
What Earnest did to back up his argument, however, was simply dishonest. Asked by National Public Radio’s Mara Liasson why the White House has refused to identify “radical Islam” as a threat when other nations had done, Earnest cited “accuracy”:
And I guess I am doing my best to try to explain to you what that is. The first is, accuracy. We want to describe exactly what happened. These are individuals who carried out an act of terrorism. And they later tried to justify that act terrorism by invoking the religion of Islam and their own deviant view of it. [original emphasis]
Setting aside the arguable proposition as to whether the terrorists’ view of Islam is really “deviant” or in fact widely accepted, Earnest is claiming that the terrorists later invoked Islam to justify their attacks. That flies in the face of all available evidence. snip
** Rich Lowry, Nov 30, 2014 on “Meet the Press” Sunday, National Review editor
Stop trying to make the Ferguson protests something they weren’t. And, just as importantly, stop trying to make Michael Brown, the man shot to death during a fight with police Office Darren Wilson in August, something he wasn’t.
“If you look at the most credible evidence, the lessons are really basic ... don’t rob a convenience store. Don’t fight with a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop, just stop.”
No, this isn't a religious war. These are actually violent fanatics misusing the Muslim religion. They want to kill people for what they believe and only irrational and crazy people want to kill others for what they believe. That means the ISIS fanatics are irrational and crazy but not Islamic.
And that makes perfect sense to the liberal......
A false construct if there ever was one. Labeling the actions of ISIS as violent, irrational and crazy is obvious. But to conclude that they therefore cannot be true Muslims is theologically insane. Everyday the followers of Islam are proving themselves to be violent, crazy and irrational.
"You will know them by their fruits" [Mt 7:16] Jesus said.
This principle reveals them for what they are. Should we ditch Christ's teachings in favor of this new "pc" philosophy coming from the White House?
Only at our own peril. "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?" [Ja 3:11]
NOPE, today we are witnessing many eruptions of Islamic inspired evil among us.
You cannot defeat what you refuse to acknowledge.
God help us!
** Rich Lowry, Nov 30, 2014 on “Meet the Press” Sunday, National Review editor
Stop trying to make the Ferguson protests something they weren’t. And, just as importantly, stop trying to make Michael Brown, the man shot to death during a fight with police Office Darren Wilson in August, something he wasn’t.
“If you look at the most credible evidence, the lessons are really basic ... don’t rob a convenience store. Don’t fight with a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop, just stop.”
The headlines writers could save time, space, and energy and just truncate to "White House LIES..." It would be useful for almost every article written......