But of course. The killings of a number of French cartoonists and some Jewish shoppers by a couple of Muslim fanatics in Paris is due to the level of gun ownership in America. Elementary, my dear Watson. If A, then B (or C, or whatever you care to make it). That's to say nothing of the serene and tranquil movies this blithering idiot makes which promote nothing but gentle and peaceful feelings.
"Standing in front of a poster of himself holding a handgun in Taken 3, the latest installment in a film series that relies on gunplay to heighten action sequences, Liam Neeson spoke to the attacks on Charlie Hebdo by offering condolences, then saying: “There are too many [bleeping] guns out there, especially in America.”
He said the level of private gun ownership in the US is “a [bleeping] disgrace.”
According to Gulfnews.com, Neeson stuck with the American rant, saying: “I think the population is like, 320 million? There’s over 300 million guns, privately owned, in America. I think it’s a [bleeping] disgrace. Every week now we are picking up a newspaper and seeing, ‘Yet another few kids have been killed in schools.'”
Lost in the tirade was the fact that the discussion began with a focus on the attacks on Charlie Hebdo–attacks which took place in France, a country rich in gun control, yet one in which gun laws were impotent to spoil the plans of dedicated and well-trained attackers.
Asked if he saw duplicity in fervently pushing gun control while making a living with a gun in his hand, Neeson said:
A character like Bryan Mills going out with guns and taking revenge: it’s fantasy. It’s in the movies, you know? I think it can give people a great release from stresses in life and all the rest of it, you know what I mean? It doesn’t mean [the viewers] are all going to go out and go, “Yeah, let’s get a gun!”
a one dimensional idiot, a true hypocrite. he needs a basic lesson in correlation vs causation. the correlation of two variables does not mean that one causes the other.
Thomas Sowell: "Facts are becoming obsolete, as recent events have demonstrated. What matters today is how well you can concoct a story that fits people's preconceptions and arouses their emotions."
** Rich Lowry, Nov 30, 2014 on “Meet the Press” Sunday, National Review editor
Stop trying to make the Ferguson protests something they weren’t. And, just as importantly, stop trying to make Michael Brown, the man shot to death during a fight with police Office Darren Wilson in August, something he wasn’t.
“If you look at the most credible evidence, the lessons are really basic ... don’t rob a convenience store. Don’t fight with a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop, just stop.”
I think he's trying out his Hegelian Dialectic. Poorly.
"The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution. If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we do not know how we are helping to implement the vision for the future.
Hegel's dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action. Every time we fight for or defend against an ideology we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels' grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat. The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can't be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda. "