"A report is out, in the wake of the city of Houston's demands that area pastors hand over their sermons and communication with their members, saying that there is a national movement of American pastors who are going on the offensive. These pastors are banding together in a theme reminiscent of the Star Wars' saga's "The Empire Strikes Back." Their movement is called, "The Pastors Strike Back."
Pastors from across the fruited plain have decided to come together and voluntarily send Bibles and sermons to Mayor Annise Parker's office.
Former Governor Mike Huckabee called on every pastor in America to do this recently.
"I hope she gets thousands and thousands of sermons and Bibles," said Huckabee on his Fox News show Saturday...
According to Brody, reports are the pastors from Australia, Germany and Canada will also be sending their sermons and Bibles to the Mayor.