Ebola Not Contagious Until After Nov. 4 Election, Says CDGC Nomenklatura-climber 10/16/2014, 11:09 am
Dear Comrades,
The USSA’s Center for Disease and Gun Control has announced that the State will not impose any travel restrictions due to the Ebola outbreak until after the November 4 elections to ensure that all workers and peasants can have free access to ballots and polling places during this critical struggle for Progress.
Comrade Disease Director Thomas Frieden has declared that Ebola is only ‘semi-transmittable’ and therefore only official Party-certified doctors can actually impose quarantines on an as-needed basis. In the meantime, those who believe they are exhibiting symptoms, while not contagious until after the November 2 elections, are asked to remain at home because of the possibility they may intimidate women and minorities into not voting.
State hospitals are required to provide full healthcare benefits to any patients who report to them complaining of Ebola, which the Party knows will show the Power of Collective Medicine and the need to end the bourgeois practice of private hospitals. The necessity of Obamacare will shine out as this disease, largely spread through contact with Republicans, will be trounced through centralized medicine under State leadership.
In the meantime, citizens are encouraged not to worry about the disease, or any of the other diseases which may or may not be spreading in the USSA. Party members opting to not vaccinate their children are still encouraged to fully participate in the political process and continue their labors for the Progress of Socialism, including attendance at fundraising dinners.
Citizens are encouraged to keep healthy through diet and sexual activity with one’s self or others.
Ebola will not stand in the way of your vote, Comrades! Turn out for the November 4 vote, our own October Revolution!
Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People’s Cube, Comrade Nomenklatura-climber