God bless these young women. This kind of civil disobedience is what is needed throughout the US.
"When a Tennessee school district decided to ban prayer, cheerleaders at the school refuted that decision and continued to pray before football games anyway.
The prayer ban was brought on after the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) along with the Freedom From Religion Foundation wrote the Oneida Special School District a scathing letter complaining about school-sanctioned prayers over the loud-speaker at the games.
Oneida cheerleader Kayla King stands by her religious convictions regardless of who disagrees with her. “We need prayer for so many reasons especially in our community now and the troubles we face every day,” King said told local news source WATE.
Eliminating prayer in an effort to keep things politically correct on campus, Oneida’s director of school’s Ann Sexton said they have replaced the practice with a “moment of silence.”
However, King and her fellow cheerleaders, along with the cheer squad from the opponent’s team, used the moment of silence to circle together as a group and recite the Lord’s Prayer from the Bible at last Friday night’s game.
Local football announcer Kevin Acres led the moment of silence with a statement:
“First off, I wanted to let everyone know on both sides of the field, this wasn’t our decision or the school board, it was pressure from outside groups. The majority of people in this area want to have prayer before a ball game, and I don’t think its right for a minority out away from here dictates what we do here.”
Oneida cheerleader Asia Canada told WBIR that when Acres called for the moment of silence, she began the Lord’s prayer to the other girls — ‘Our Father who art in heaven’ — before the others joined in reciting it together.
Others in the stadium heard the cheerleaders and began joining in, “When they started saying it, the crowd started saying the Lord’s prayer. And by the time the prayer was over with, the entire stadium was saying it,” recalled Acres.
“In that moment the atmosphere was kind of great because it was nothing but heads bowed, and you heard the Lord’s Prayer ring over the football field,” added King."
It is about time people realize that just because some faceless authority says you should do something, you have to. I hope they chant this before every game.