Police in Ferguson, MO arrested two journalists for covering the protests over their fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager eight times, including in the back. Officers shoved Wesley Lowery, of the Washington Post, into a soda machine for taping them, before he was cuffed in plastic binds. An officer rammed Ryan Grim’s head against glass. The reporter for the Huffington Post wasn’t packing up his reporting gear quickly enough. Both journalists’ respective papers released statements condemning the Ferguson police, but the decline of free press reaches further than one town in Missouri.
Unfortunately state suppression of the press is hardly isolated to Ferguson. The problem goes all the way up to the White House, where the Obama Administration is preventing journalists from accurately reporting on policy.
This situation is posing a VERY unique set of circumstances where the Left is decrying the heavy-handedness of the police in Ferguson, even protesting the militarization of the local police to look like an army against the people. Obama and Atty General are trying to come in and look like good guys against this oppression but IF they can be linked to this increased militarization of the plice force into a Domestic Army, then it'll be curtains for the duo.
The Right has already been decrying this, recently the Bundy confrontation triggered us. But now the Left is saying the same thing, although under very different circumstances. When the link to all the fascist policies of this administration is established the reign of the Left will be over. TM
******************* "The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly." Abraham Lincoln
"The sanctity of human life before birth, the respect for our culture's religious underpinnings and the hallowedness of the M/F marital bond are all being stripped of their value and reduced to natural commodities with the sole purpose of serving our personal gratification."