I simply cannot place this under "Entertainment". I am totally shocked this guy has gotten a show based on his life on ANY network, much less Disney. May God have mercy on this nation.
"Media Research Center (MRC) and Family Research Council (FRC) are launching a joint national campaign to educate the public about a Disney ABC sitcom pilot based on the life of bigoted activist Dan Savage. MRC and FRC contacted Ben Sherwood, president of Disney/ABC Television Group, more than two weeks ago urging him to put a stop to this atrocity but received no response."
Most of you, a hip group if I ever saw one, know who Dan Savage is. For those who do not, or are unsure, here are some of his greater achievements.
"Dan Savage has made numerous comments about conservatives, evangelicals, and Catholics that offend basic standards of decency. They include: Proclaiming that he sometimes thinks about “fucking the shit out of” Senator Rick Santorum Calling for Christians at a high school conference to “ignore the bullshit in the Bible” Saying that “the only thing that stands between my dick and Brad Pitt’s mouth is a piece of paper” when expressing his feelings on Pope Benedict’s opposition to gay marriage Promoting marital infidelity Saying “Carl Romanelli should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there’s nothing left but the rope.” Telling Bill Maher that he wished Republicans “were all fucking dead” Telling Dr. Ben Carson to “suck my dick. Name the time and place and I’ll bring my dick and a camera crew and you can suck me off and win the argument.”
Yep, guy is a real charmer and Disney intends to produce a show based on his life with Savage as producer.
We keep sinking lower and lower into the morass of cultural degeneracy.
"This is the most lavishly funded and entirely moronic foreign ministry on the planet."~~Mark Steyn's description of the US State Dept.