Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, October 18, 2013 at 12:44pm
You may have heard.
There’s a petition at, promoted by Daily Kos, to have conservative members of the House arrested for sedition.
And the petition has tens of thousands of signatures, with real people feeling bold enough to put their real names on it. Not just bold enough, but damn proud of it.
Professor Reynolds has some good advice:
THINK I’LL BUY ANOTHER GUN OR TWO: MoveOn.Org petition demands GOP arrests for ‘conspiracy against US.’ Because these people are making plain how they think, and what they’d do if they had the power to. Take it seriously, because they do.
That was one of the original reasons why, in fact, we had a 2nd Amendment, protection against tyranny.
The "Professor Reynolds" mentioned in this article is Glenn Reynolds, author, Law Professor at the University of Tennessee and the proprietor of