Two truly remarkable videos of a prodeath woman going absolutely berserk when she sees some ProLife posters. To a certain extent I feel deeply sorry for her in that she gets so angry and abusive toward the ProLifers and, though I hate to note it, she is as physically unattractive as she is spiritually.
STERN WARNING: The language used by this woman is excessively vile. Her favorite word begins with "F" and she uses it constantly.
"Let’s just say that this isn’t going to make Burger King’s rainbow Whopper highlight reel in terms of public relations. A woman wearing her work uniform threatened, attacked, and berated pro-life demonstrators who didn’t appear to be anywhere near a BK outlet in Columbus, Ohio. She started off by loudly insisting that a baby at the 12-week gestational mark has no distinguishing features whatsoever — yelling incoherently about “clump of cells” at one point to the bemused but disciplined young man — and then started kicking signs and shoving protesters, all on camera (warning: language NSFW):"
First video of actual event.
Second video is of a news report on the incident and a short interview of this sad, unhappy woman.