Bob Costas Huffs at Halftime on NBC: 'Redskins Can’t Possibly Honor a Heritage...It's An Insult, A Slur'
By Tim Graham | October 13, 2013 | 23:13
After last December’s brouhaha over Bob Costas exploiting his NBC halftime commentary slot to roll out a controversial rant about how “Handguns do not enhance our safety” shortly after the death of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, one might think the Lecture Series would be on hold. But on Sunday night, Costas offered another liberal rant with no rebuttal – against the term “Redskins.”
For the first 90 seconds, he tried to sound reasonable, tried to stipulate that most people like “Redskins” just fine, including a majority of Native Americans. They all mean well. But they’re all wrong. “Redskins” can’t possibly be acceptable in today’s world, he proclaimed. He talked about how many college teams have knuckled under and removed Indian names -- again, in many cases despite majorities of Indians saying they didn’t mind. (Video and transcript below)
I too believe that the Redskins are due for a name change...
How about the Landover Redskins? That's where the team's games are played (Landover, Maryland) and Washington (D.C.), being so full of corruption, scandals and scoundrels is not worthy to have a team named for such a proud people.