Attorney General Eric Holder delivered a commencement address over the weekend. It was exactly what you would expect coming from Holder. He compared Obamacare to the Civil Rights Act and basically said that anyone opposed to President Obama’s “year of action” is a racist.
After comparing Obamacare to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, Holder suggested that those opposed to Obama’s “year of action” are silently displaying their prejudices and suggested that “action” is needed in voting rights, school discipline, and criminal justice reform. He blasted voter ID laws and “zero-tolerance school discipline practices” that “affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.” The Justice Department’s school guideline reforms have been heavily criticized for effectively forcing schools to enact “de facto racial quotas” in school discipline. (Read More)
That’s not all he said. The whole thing was about race, and the racism he sees lurking around every corner. So much for a post-racial America.
Speaking of race relations, check out what a big black kid did to a white teacher and then avoided being charged with assault. I wonder if Holder’s new race-based edicts for school discipline had anything to do with the lesser charge.