Big Brother goes global Lord Monckton warns of 'Nanny Knows Best' crowd's increasing power April 30, 2014
What have windmills, IRS attacks on center-right 501(c)3s, the U.N., the EU, states suing right-to-life campaigners who ask for records about abortion clinics, John Kerry’s use of Palestinian talking points, and a non-existent Hawaiian birth certificate have in common?
The answer: All of these are manifestations of transnational and even global government that operates increasingly beyond the reach or recall of any mere electorate and beyond the jurisdiction of any court.
Big Brother is going global, and nothing less than a New Revolution will stop the increasing centralization of almost all power and almost all wealth in the flabby but grasping hands of a tiny junta united by their willingness to sacrifice every moral principle and every national identity in furtherance of their own ambition.
From the late 17th to the mid 20th century, the power-mad knew that they had to build or gain control of a vast and powerful armed force in order to extend their empires. Now the weapons of global dominance have changed. It is the bureaucrats who increasingly rule as vicious but carefully invisible predators at the top of the food chain.
To belong to this coterie, one must be a fascist, a socialist, a communist, a legalist, a totalitarian. One must, above all else, believe to the tips of one’s fingertips that Nanny Knows Best – that power must be and remain firmly in the hands of an all-powerful elite that can be absolutely trusted to get every major decision right and never, ever get anything wrong. In this pecking order, the people are nowhere.
Why do the IRS openly target center-right organizations and either delay their 501(c)3 registration or penalize them with the outright withdrawal of tax-exempt status for the most trivial of alleged infractions, while fast-tracking the registrations of new Obama-supporting groups?
Because Obama is a totalitarian globalist, and so are they. Anyone who stands in the way of global dominance by the hard left is to be stamped on or bullied or bankrupted or imprisoned or, if he is a climate skeptic, killed for treason against the planet.