The question for us as Americans — residents of a Constitutional Republic — is for what does this Republic stand?
This week we learned 61 percent of Americans believe our president lies anywhere from some to most of the time. That poll was revealed the day before President Obama took to the White House podium for an unannounced press conference asserting that we now have 8 million Americans signed up for Obamacare — whatever that means.
In an interview granted to CBS reporter Major Garrett — one of many interviews CBS always seems to get — President Obama stated there would be “consequences” for any further military action by Russia in the Ukraine. I seem to remember him saying there would be “consequences” for Syrian President Bashar al Assad for using chemical weapons and that he had to go – but then again that “red line” seemed to be bleached out.
Apparently the only real confirmed consequences emanating from the Obama administration are against his declared political enemies — and guys in cowboy hats. They receive the full brunt of the tactics of force, coercion, and intimidation from designated Obama government agencies, be it IRS or BLM.
And speaking of the IRS, seems they blew a deadline this week to have their computer systems upgraded, at a cost of somewhere near $11 million for the American taxpayer. What would happen to us simple working stiffs if we missed the April 15th deadline to pay our tribute to the government?
Mind you, I don’t have a problem with “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” to a point, but doggone, I’m kinda getting tired of the wasteful spending and the expansion of the welfare nanny-state. I’ve grown disgusted by the use of my taxpayer dollars as largesse by which politicians — especially liberal progressives — bribe the public for their vote. If I hear the president mention “infrastructure repair” one more time, I will need to repair the infrastructure in my home when I destroy my television.