Trump Is Not Lucky, He's Smart 2016-10-01 00:00 by Karl Denninger
The latest punch-line that people are trying to sling at Trump is that he "went after" a beauty pageant contestant (in his Miss Universe pageant) that got fat. Hillary, predictably, attempted to pounce on this claiming that Trump's barbs were "misogynistic".
Clinton, ever the idiot, turned around and set up a press conference Tuesday that was conducted almost entirely in Spanish for her to continue attacking Trump.
But.... as has become a repeating pattern, Trump was either lucky or crazy as a fox. You see, nobody from Hillary's campaign bothered to vet this clown-car brigade of a woman.
Once again, Trump wins -- and begs the question -- is he really dumb in going after people like this or is he baiting Hillary, just as he has other candidates, and they are so damn stupid that they walk straight into Trump's traps?
Speaking of which, when it comes to choosing a President would you prefer to have a President who is capable of setting such traps for other world leaders who would try to screw you and the United States or do you want the President who repeatedly walks into said traps set by other world leaders and has them snap shut on their legs, screwing you and everyone else here in America?
I know which is the better option - and so do you.