Lou Dobbs targeted by leftist scheme Hacked documents show funding to silence top name Jerome Corsi 2016.09.07
NEW YORK – New evidence has emerged that billionaire activist George Soros has the economic clout to push out conservative media commentators who oppose his leftist agenda.
Among the 2,500 documents hacked from Soros’ Open Society Foundation are documents in which the organization boasts of funding a minority activist campaign against advertisers that succeeded in ousting Lou Dobbs from his hour-long program on CNN, as well as Glenn Beck from Fox News and Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, as WND reported last week.
In an Open Society Foundation summary of U.S. Programs, USP, for the Soros-funded Democracy and Power Fund in 2011-1012, a chart credits Soros’ funding of various Hispanic advocacy groups with CNN’s cancelation of “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”
We can call this whatever we want and we have described it as the Uniparty, as Globalism, as Statism, as One World....
but this much should be clear!!! "Open Society" ... it AIN'T!!!
It's nothing less than the attempt to usher in a closed door totalitarianism that will result in the complete control of the Country's key power points, including the media!
This election is so crucial! We'd best close down all these non-elected bureaucratic agencies that have suddenly begun to perform as agents of the Chief Executive.
"If we have no idea what our institutions are doing we have no hope of reforming them." Julian Assange *** "Maybe God is trying to tell us something important- that now is not the time for a “nice Christian guy” or a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentleman don’t apply here. Maybe a gentleman and “all-around nice Christian” would lead us to slaughter." Wayne Allyn Root