""If Mr. Trump is up 10-15 points on Election Day and ends up losing, then he can raise some questions," he added. "That doesn't seem to be the case at the moment."
Okay, we all know they're planning big time fraud. THEY know they're planning big time fraud.
Obama just tipped his hand. If the usual suspects have anything to do with it, the polls will absolutely be rigged to show Hillary up 10-15 points on Election Day NO MATTER WHAT.
They will need that to justify stealing an election.
Well, no one else might be thinking this except me and this FReeper. Must be my soulmate. LOL
But just watch. WATCH, I tell ya!
How is it polls can change so quickly ? Trump had been behind only few percentage points , and even leading some polls now all of a sudden he is behind by 10 percent or more? People just don't change minds that quickly ! Other news points to remarks he made about Khan as one reason his support has dropped , but even a gold star father on CNN this week when asked if Trump should apologize, had no idea what comments he made against that needed apology ? Then Obama comes out this week and says, there can't be election fraud if trump is up in the polls also implying since Hillary is way up , it will be impossible to cheat. Then are trump's numbers being reported as double digits behind Hillary now and for phony made up reasons so people will believe the change in the polls all to hide the election fraud that's about to take place in a he next 100 days ?
1 posted on 8/5/2016, 7:50:02 AM by seastay [ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies | Report Abuse]