I was excited that I had finally convinced my black family who usually votes Democrat to join the Trump Train. Then, one of my brothers said recent comments Hillary made about Trump's huge ego concerned him. A Christian, my brother quoted scripture concerning Trump, “Pride goes before a fall.” He was considering jumping off the Trump Train.
Hillary, the queen of deception, attacking Trump's character angered me. I fired back at my brother. “Trump may be full of pride, but the guy never left Americans to die for political gain!” I continued my rant about Hillary.
After hanging up the phone from my brother, I wrote the following note in case other family members were falling prey to Hillary and mainstream media's attacks on Trump. Because the media protects Hillary and underreports her lies and scandals, it is amazing how little they know about the woman who is running for the highest office in the land. Thus, I tried to explain everything in simple, nonpolitical geek, easy to understand language.
Here is the note I wrote to my family.
Dear Marcus family,
I just want to give y'all some facts that the mainstream media will not tell you about Hillary. The mainstream media wants her to be president because she is on their team, in line with their anti-God and anti-traditional America agenda.
Senior Democrat Nancy Pelosi said Hillary is losing the white male vote because of the three G's, Guns, Gays, and God.
Please, please, please believe me when I say EVERYTHING Hillary seeks to do is to increase her power via the federal government to repeal your Constitutional rights; control your life and behavior. It is called centralizing government.
GUNS: Despite our Second Amendment right to bear arms, Hillary does not want any American to own a gun. Using executive orders to illegally override the Constitution, Hillary will implement more restrictions on law-abiding citizens owning guns. This endangers good people. Criminals do not obey gun laws. Thugs would love to see the public totally disarmed.
GAYS: More and more the federal government is infringing on religious freedom, DEMANDING that Christian preachers (like our dad) marry gay couples; throwing preachers in jail for preaching the Bible; making it illegal for parents to home school. To keep the federal funds coming, states are decreeing that parents are not allowed to opt their children out of homosexual lessons. Hillary is all for government confiscating our kids' minds; teaching the government's version of right and wrong; moral and immoral.
GOD: Hillary is all for the ever-increasing movement to make practicing biblical Christianity illegal.
To get the black vote, Hillary is furthering the lie that cops murder blacks. Hogwash! Stats confirm that blacks are killing blacks in record numbers in major cities controlled by Democrats, despite numerous gun laws.
“Hands Up Don't Shoot” is a lie. Black witnesses and the grand jury concluded that Michael Brown was shot inside the cop's car while attempting to take the cop's gun. And yet, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, the mainstream media and Hillary nurture the lie to pander to black voters.
Hillary made over $150 million selling influence and Lord knows what to foreign governments. This is why she deleted 30,000 emails. It is also why she illegally used her home internet server rather than the official government secured server.
Back in 2012, Obama was seeking re-election. Part of his campaign was to convince Americans that he ended terrorism. The anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack was approaching. Nervous, Ambassador Stevens at our U.S. consulate in Benghazi asked Hillary for additional security. U.S. military warned Hillary that our ambassador and his staff were sitting ducks. Hillary declined Ambassador Stevens' request for more security because it would be counter to their lie that Obama ended terrorism. Our consulate was attacked as expected. Ambassador Stevens was killed, his body abused and paraded in the streets. His staff was also killed.
Hillary and her Democrats have been screwing blacks for over 40 years. Obama has been in office for eight years. The Republicans, fearful of opposing the first black president, have funded everything Obama has wanted. And yet, black unemployment is through the roof; poverty and crime in our hometown Baltimore is worse than it was when we were kids. And yet, even after eight years of getting everything Obama has wanted, he and Hillary still claim our nation's rapid continuing decline is Bush and the Republican's fault. That is nonsense.
Please see the new movie in theaters, Hillary's America. We must do everything in our power to keep this wicked, wicked woman out of the White House. Love, Lloyd
******* "Maybe God is trying to tell us something important- that now is not the time for a “nice Christian guy” or a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentleman don’t apply here. Maybe a gentleman and “all-around nice Christian” would lead us to slaughter." Wayne Allyn Root