Personally I am ashamed about what some of the graduates from the school have done, such as Frankfurter's coterie of traitors in the Roosevelt administration and the current occupant of the WH, but here we have a different perspective.
ZitatThe crest of Harvard Law School displays three sheaves of wheat, arranged on a shield. The design is also the coat-of-arms for Isaac Royall Jr., who through his estate helped found the school.
Another part of Royall’s legacy, however, is that he was a slaveholder. You can still visit the Royall House and Slave Quarters in Massachusetts, which was “home to the largest slaveholding family in Massachusetts and the enslaved Africans who made their lavish way of life possible,” according to its Web site.
Royall died in the 18th century, but has not been forgotten at Harvard Law, where some students are now calling attention to the crest, according to the Harvard Crimson. The student newspaper reports that a small group has set up a Facebook group and is looking to do more — including advocating for the crest’s removal.
“These symbols set the tone for the rest of the school and the fact that we hold up the Harvard crest as something to be proud of when it represents something so ugly is a profound disappointment and should be a source of shame for the whole school,” law student Alexander J. Clayborne told the newspaper.