Was Team Obama being rude or incompetent when it invited a collection of Catholic dissenters and other opponents of church teaching to the White House welcome for Pope Francis?
Perhaps the president’s staff just bought the media myth that this pope has turned his back on two millennia of Catholic doctrine. In fact — despite his raising of issues like climate change and economic inequality — the pope still affirms traditional teaching on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.
That’s why, as The Wall Street Journal reports, the Vatican is upset by some on the guest list, including gay and transgender activists and an activist nun whose group is silent on key social issues: The curia fears the event will seem like a papal endorsement. [defn curia: the papal court at the Vatican, by which the Roman Catholic Church is governed. TM] Plus, more traditional Catholic activists — particularly those in the pro-life movement — say they haven’t been invited to next week’s event.
We doubt the president meant to insult Francis; Obama’s too good a politician. And the White House is hoping to exploit the first pope in recent memory who embraces key parts of Obama’s progressive agenda.
Which brings us to ignorance: Team Obama invited the Catholics and other religious leaders it knows — like the ones who endorsed the ObamaCare law despite its assaults on religious liberty.
Francis, no doubt, will graciously greet all he meets. But Obama may pay a price if the guest list reminds folks of how often he remains in conflict with the church.
[TM isn't so gracious as to assume that Obama is simply ignorant. That he is, but he's also a warrior for the extreme Left for which he relentlessly stands. see his audacity: http://abcnews.go.com/US/istandwithahmed...ory?id=33804323 He's not looking to gain political momentum from the Pope's endorsement of his policies....give me a break! btw, he is an imbecile through and through. He has proven that protocol isn't his strong suit. see http://perezhilton.com/2011-05-25-barack...en#.Vf1jVN9Viko but a guest list isn't in the category of protocol]
******* The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil ... but by those who watch them and do nothing. -- Albert Einstein
The President of China, Xi Jinping, is soon to visit The US. I wonder if Obama will invite members of Falun Gong, representatives of the government of Taiwan, or any of the activists known as the Chinese Dissidents to a meet and greet with Xi. Somehow I don't think so.
"This is the most lavishly funded and entirely moronic foreign ministry on the planet."~~Mark Steyn's description of the US State Dept.
Nothing the boy emperor says or does surprises me anymore.
His character flaws were on display prior to 2012. The fact that he was re-elected in spite of them just underscores the fact that we as a republic are toast.