Just in case it's needed: Sweet Cakes by Melissa is the family owned bakery that was in Hillsborough, OR, and which ran afoul of the Fascist authorities in OR (a very Leftist state) for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same sex wedding. Today on their Facebook page they posted the "final ruling."
Sieg heil!
"The final ruling has been made today. We have been charged with $135,000 in emotional damages, But also now Aaron has been charged with advertising. (Basically talking about not wanting to participate in a same-sex wedding) This effectively strips us of all our first amendment rights. According to the state of Oregon we neither have freedom of religion or freedom of speech. We will NOT give up this fight, and we will NOT be silenced. We stand for God's truth, God's word and freedom for ALL americans. We are here to obey God not man, and we will not conform to this world. If we were to lose everything it would be totally worth it for our Lord who gave his one and only son, Jesus, for us! God will win this fight!"