Seriously, Bambi? The guy is a flipping wonder. Does he not understand what he is saying or does he think the American people are completely stupid?
"During a conversation about poverty, President Obama said he was concerned that more wealthy people were separated from poverty because they chose to frequent private institutions instead of public ones.
“Part of what’s happened is, is that elites in a very mobile, globalized world are able to live together, away from folks who are not as wealthy, and so they feel less of a commitment to making those investments,” he explained during a panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University today.
Obama criticized the free-market system in America for allowing higher concentrations of wealth to exist among the rich while the bottom percentage was being left behind and receiving a smaller portion of that wealth.
“Those who are doing better and better, more skilled, more educated, – luckier – having greater advantages are withdrawing from the commons,” he said. “Kids start going to private schools, kids start working out at private clubs instead of the public parks, an anti-government ideology then disinvests from those common goods and those things that draw us together.”
When Barry shows up someplace, instead of "Ruffles and Flourishes", they ought to play "Fool on the Hill" by the Beatles, or "Lies" by the Knickerbockers.
B. Obama: "Swords don't kill people. Only Crusaders kill people".