John Boehner: Conservative Groups' Reaction to Budget Deal Is 'Ridiculous'
By Matt Berman December 11, 2013
House Speaker John Boehner went off on outside conservative groups Wednesday morning for pushing against the new budget deal.
"They're using our members and they're using the American people for their own goals," he said. "This is ridiculous."
Rep. Paul Ryan also addressed his conservative critics Wednesday, calling the attacks from the right "a strange new normal." Ryan, for his part, is doing everything he can to remind his critics that he's a conservative.
Little Johnny is mad because they are pointing out what a spinless worm the so-called gop leaders are--We give up the sequester cuts which were in place to allow morespending now. The new cuts are promised over time which won't happen.
GOP loses again and claims victory.
Ryan claims victory because there were no tax increases. There wasn't going to be a tax increase. They just call everything user fees now (language change)
lying and providing political cover. Nothing more--is what this so called budget deal is
Remember All Those Cuts from the Sequester Fight? This Chart Shows How They Would be Replaced
National Journal’s presentation center came up with this chart on the nearing budget deal. The chart shows something it calls “sequestration relief” of $63 billion that would be made up of what it calls “savings” that are in part due to new fees
Somebody needs to give me a euphemism chart..A fee is not a “saving,” and more spending does not necessarily mean “relief.” It certainly isn’t to future generations paying our debts.